Surrey Hazelmere Golf Course – April 23, 2022 – The Surrey German Language School held an amazing party on Saturday, April 23 to celebrate their 50th Anniversary. The Venue had plenty of indoor and outdoor space, enough to allow room for 13 tables, two rows of generous gifts for the silent auction, a photo booth, a dance floor and a cash bar (that didn’t take cash LOL) and a patio that were decorated with Swiss and Austrian flags. These flags were all donated by Wolfgang Christl, via Elke, and I am sure he would have been happy to see this.

Some VIP’s showed up: Surrey City Councillor Allison Patton , Consul General of Switzerland Andreas Rufer, Surrey Mayor (Bürgermeister) Doug McCallum, Consul General of Germany Dr. Klaus Schmidt, President of the Surrey German Language School Gisela Schulte, Principal of the Surrey German Language School Axel Rechlin, Head of Press and Communication for the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ottawa Christin Furtwängler, President of the German Canadian Business Association Beatrice Schreiber.
They had a fun photo booth:

The Silent Auction with paintings donated by Bel Art Gallery, as well as Brian Jessel BMW and many others…

The Venue was a hidden oasis and the day was sunny.

The S-Bahn Band got everyone on the dance floor, or at least dancing at their table to classics like \”Das Fliegerlied” and “Die Hände zum Himmel”…:
Here a few more pictures of the event VIP’s:
Left to right: Top Row – Surrey German School Gisela Schulte, Bürgermeister Doug McCallum, German Consul General Dr. Klaus Schmidt,
Bottom Row – Consul Klaus Schmidt handing over a friendship award to Axel Rechlin, Swiss Consul General Andreas Rufer, Axel with German Canadian Business President Beatrice Schreiber
And, of course, there has to be a “Prost” at some point, presented by Beatrice Schreiber:

And last, but not least, the cake and the guests:
The food was delicious and included sauerkraut salmon, German potato salad, “Gurkensalat” (cucumber salad made the German way) and many other delicious choices. The cake was Black Forest Cherry Cake. Guests were given one drink ticket and were able to purchase more. The S-Bahn led the entertainment, Axel Rechlin was the MC for the speeches and he also showed us a picture of Ruth Berndt, who started the Surrey German Language School back in 1971. Axel also shared one of his favourite “pandemic songs” by Silbermond: Machen wir das beste draus