Calgary – March 29, 2022 – Hubertus Liebrecht, the Honorary Consul for Alberta and Northwest Territories, has enjoyed a long career as Founder/Owner of the Hubertus Liebrecht Lawfirm, former president of ProCanada Consulting (immunigration solutions) and former Vice-Dean for the Calgary Consular Corps. He is also a lawyer who is licensed in both Germany and Canada.
On top of that he is a former President of the German Canadian Business Association in BC, a founder of the German Business Centre in North America and sits on the Board of the European-Canadian Centre for Innovation and Research in Edmonton, just to name a few.
Because of his work in fostering positive relations between Canada and Germany, he was awarded with a Bundesverdienstkreuz, presented by Ambassador Sabine Sparwasser on March 29, 2022 in a ceremony at the University of Calgary. This award is commonly referred to as a \”Knights Cross\” and is awarded for special achievements in political, economic, cultural, intellectual fields and other outstanding areas of service.
The announcement was made February 1, 2022 on the official page of \”Bundespräsident\” Frank-Walter Steinmeier with a headline reading \”Bekanntgabe der Verleihungen des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland\”. (Announcement of the awarding of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of German).
This year is Liebrechts ten-year Anniversary since he became the Honorary Consul and began building up ties with the University of Calgary to in order to make the cooperation between Canada and Germany stronger.
As Ambassador Sparwasser stated \”He made it his mission to foster bilateral ties.\”
Liebrecht had a grandfather who also received the \”Order of Merit\” for his public service.
Another new initiative is that recently the office of the German Honorary Consul in Calgary moved into a larger space along with collaborating companies, such as SNP Canada Ltd, ProCanada Consulting Inc, Continental Bridge North America Inc. and TAVINA Management Corporation who together are now the one-stop solution for all Canada-related questions concerning German law, immigration, real estate, investment, business consulting, and estate planning. Ambassador Sabine Sparwasser officially opened this \”Multidisciplinary Service Hub\” in Calgary recently.