This first photo is by photographer Eva Giolbas: Reception for Canadian and German women entrepreneurs at Hamburg\’s historic city hall with Staatrat Jan Poerksen;
Event Details: buy tickets online; link can be found below!

This article was posted in the latest edition of \”European News\” Magazine:
Who is the VdU?
The VdU represents the interests of female entrepreneurs since 1954. For the last 65 years, the organization has been a vibrant business network for business women of all lines of business to discuss and share experience and competencies with those facing similar challenges . It is also strong advocate for more women to consider self-employment, more women in positions of leadership, and better conditions for women and men to balance working and family life. Networking with business women across the globe is also part of VdU\’s philosophy. The VdU International Commission is actively involved in international projects, such as the current business networking project with Women\’s Enterprise Organizations of Canada (WEOC). Besides, VdU also represents Germany in the Women 20 Engagement Group at the W20 summit.
Currently, the VdU represents over 1,800 female-led medium-size businesses in the field of industry, construction, trade and service industries. Together, the members of the VdU earn around 85 million Euros a year and lead around 500,000 employees.
A delegation of women entrepreneurs from Germany will be heading to Vancouver & Edmonton in September, 2019. The goal is to take advantage of the improving trade relationship, thanks to CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the European Union and Canada)/.
17 German women business owners will be taking part. The VdU hosted their first and very successful trade mission of Canadian women entrepreneurs to Hamburg and Stuttgart in November 2018 and signed a memorandum of understanding with WEOC.They now want to make a return visit in order to further promote and strengthen business (and personal) relationships between German and Canadian Business women.
On September 18th, there will be a B2B networking session with Canadian business women, organized by the Women\’s Enterprise Center (WEC) in Vancouver, followed by a panel discussion on “Female Investors” and a networking dinner.
On September 19th, after spending the day sightseeing in Vancouver, the VdU would like to organize a dinner with ladies from the German Canadian Business Association. (see above, or sign up at Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/global-female-business-networking-dinner-tickets-69903395939) Or see their Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/events/652446561906808/
The delegation from Germany are hoping to meet inspirational Canadian women leaders from all sectors: economic, political and societal, and, above all, women entrepreneurs. Canada is a role model when it comes to immigration laws and promotion of gender equality. This is why they would like to engage in a dialogue with Canadian business women on panel on how to deal with a lack of skilled personnel, and on promoting female investors. Along with this, they plan to visit innovative organisations in the field of artificial intelligence and renewable energy.

Of course, sightseeing will also be an important part of this trip and will include everything from participating in a First Nations Ceremony with the Cree Nation, visiting the Alberta Innovates Research Park, taking a sightseeing tour around Vancouver and touring a research lab on artificial intelligence.
The delegates will arrive on the 14th of September in Edmonton and will leave on the 20th of September from Vancouver, unless, they plan to spend 3 days on Vancouver island in the gorgeous Long Beach Lodge Resort in the Pacific Rim National Park.
If you are interested in joining the VdU on the September 18th afternoon and evening for the B2B, dialogue on female investors, and dinner, or on the 19th of September for the dinner with the German Canadian Business Association, please contact Elke at secretary@germancanadianbusiness.com.