November 25, 2022 Vancouver, BC – To fund a new German “Pop-Up” Restaurant, Elke Porter, a Schnitzel and Bratkartoffel Fan living in Kitsilano, is hoping to bring a few investors together in this joint project of good cheer. The concept is simple. The Bauhaus, the Blenheim and the Deutsches Haus Restaurant in the Vancouver Alpen Club have shut down. Two out of three will most likely not return. The Deutsches Haus Restaurant, though is slated to be brand new and beautiful in 2025. What can we do in the meantime? Start a pop-up German Restaurant called “The German Garden Restaurant!
What kind of investors are we seeking? Two kinds. One are the proprietors of high quality German wine, beer and spirits and the other is those who provide high quality organic food. I am also hoping to connect with a high end luxury plant nursery to provide a constant stream of live foliage to provide the ambience we imagine when visiting the Alps with its flowery meadows and scenic vistas. Are there any artists who would just love to paint the summits and peaks of famous the famous Zugspitze Mountain or the Matterhorn as seen in Switzerland? Also, there would have to be very high quality chocolates on the menu for dessert, as well as Torte, pastries and spaghetti Ice-cream.
Since this restaurant would have to provide a bit of everything, we could have one section that is more fancy than the other. Do you want to watch a soccer match with a crowd of friends in jerseys enjoying beer or would you prefer to listen to classical music while dining in style and enjoying a glass of Riesling recently imported from the Mosel region? With some Jägermeister or Underberg Bitters as your after-dinner drink. The new restaurant could have two sections! Also a place for kids to play while their parents eat or a big table where young people can eat all together, as well as live entertainment like accordions or Schuhplattler. Everything surrounding this project is only limited by our imagination, although also our budget.
If you support this concept, it is time to contact your contacts. If each person that reads this blog post, shares this article with 5 people they know who would be interested and they each share it with someone who might be interested, it might not be too long before it ends up on the desk of someone who would be delighted to financially support and join in on a cool project like this. Recently I created a new e-mail just for this project and you can tell your friends/contacts/potential investors to send any correspondence here:
Please check out the pitch deck here:
There is literally no competition for German food providers in the City of Vancouver and there is currently no place for fans of Germany to meet up that also includes German culture, German food, German beer and German entertainment. The closest place is the Jägerhof Restaurant in North Vancouver or the Old Bavaria House Restaurant in New Westminster. This is a wide open market just crying out for someone to pull this off.
How much are we talking about? A lot of money. At least a cool million and maybe more. Is there potential to get a return on your investment and more? Of course there is. But crunching numbers is not my area of expertise. Every project needs the right people to make it happen and this is where you would come in. We would need the usual suspects: lawyer, account, top shelf restaurant manager, purveyer of wine & spirits as well as an architect just aching to get their hands on this project. My goal would be to work with a group of investors on perfecting the concept and eventually running the programming of the restaurant, as well as taking care of the plants.
Of course, the serving staff are also highly important and harder to find these days. If you love German food and don’t mind wearing a dirndl or Lederhosen while you serve our guests, please send us a resume, although it would take a minimum of 6-9 months to truly get going. Potential opening date is anything from May to August, 2023.
Thank you for reading this far and if you like this, you know what to do! Share! Support! Join a Volunteer Board of Directors! Please and thank you! The first meeting could be in January 2023 to learn and network with the team to build a solid project plan that will have us all moving in the right directions towards a financial, social, creative success!
Bless you all and Merry Christmas!
Elke Porter
604 828 8788