Surrey German Language School
Surrey German Language School
- Experience:50+
- Company:Surrey German Language School
- Group:School
Surrey German Language School
Surrey German Language School
The Surrey German Language School provides internationally recognized German language education for students from kindergarten to graduation. Studying an additional language equips students for life in a world filled with continuous change and cultural diversity. Students develop a knowledge and appreciation for the German culture, as well as other cultures they encounter in life. Students develop excellent study skills and pride in their higher accomplishments.
- For children 4.5 years and up
- Adult Classes
- Saturdays 9 am to noon, September till May
- Open to students with or without knowledge of German
- Small classes for individual attention
- Qualified and experienced teachers
- Comprehensive program leading to German 11 and German 12 high school credits
- German Language Diploma 1 + 2
- Close cooperation with the German Central Agency for Schools Abroad
Please visit:
- German Language Instruction 90%